Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dun ah nuh nuh Lego Batman!

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

by Nerdly Sorcerer Supreme
Beware of spoilers

Full disclosure before I start.  Given a choice I will tend to choose Marvel properties over DC, I feel more at home in their universe and more of my favourite characters are Marvel.  This isn’t to say that I don’t have my favourites within the DCU, just that I’d sooner pick up a copy of Avengers over the Justice League, Doctor Strange over Doctor Fate, and Captain Marvel over Captain Marvel.

One thing I do enjoy, though, is the Lego video game franchise.  I rank the first Batman game as my favourite yet, so when I heard that there was going to be a second one, one with an expanded DC roster, my mouth began watering.

So let’s get to the plot.  Lex Luthor breaks Joker out of prison and the two team up to try and defeat Batman and Superman.  Eventually the Justice League gets involved as well and mayhem ensues.  There aren’t many twists and turns to the plot, but it’s kept reasonably light.  Like when Joker and Luthor discover the location of the Bat Cave and casually mention “Oh look, there’s Wayne Manor.”

Wait, what?  Mention?  That’s right, for the first time the Lego game series has proper voice acting and dialogue.  I liked the games better without talking, it added a certain charm and I thought it helped with the comedic factor.  On the whole I don’t think it added much to the game, but it wasn’t a deal breaker.

The one little spot that the plot falls flat is that the game felt to me like it ends abruptly with the likely next villain making an appearance.  After the story ends comes the free play mode, and that’s where you get to explore the world as any character you please, discovering the individual advantages and disadvantages.

The mechanics are simple, and if you’ve played previous games they shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.  Flying is new, and it’s tricky to figure out, but it’s still enjoyable.  I can’t count the number of times I’d have a character fly close to the ocean just to see the water spraying in the air, or just hovering in the air, staring around the city.

To further the point, being Superman yields the advantage of hearing his iconic music in the background while he flies, and it still sends chills up my spine to hear it.  The bulk of the music, however, is more Batman oriented which is fine by me, it’s his name on the title.

I would be remiss if I didn’t touch on the roster.  
Your primary characters through story mode are Batman, Robin and Superman (picking up Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg and Wonder Woman later on) but come free play mode you can pick up all sorts of people, from Aquaman to Zod.  There’s such variety, with only a slight emphasis on Batman and Superman’s supporting cast, that you’re sure to find a favorite character in the game along with some of the generic henchmen.  There’s something amusing about having the Riddler fighting off his own goons in the middle of the streets of Gotham City.

On the whole I give the game a solid 8 out of 10.  There’s room for improvement, but it’s a welcome addition to the franchise. It receives a good happy Nerdly seal.


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