Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nvidia, why do you taunt us so?

The video card in my main box is an Nvidia Geforce GTX 470. Not the best card on the market but the best I can justify at the moment. (If any of you feel bad for me, buy my products so I can get a new one ;) )

A couple weeks back Best Buy had the Sony PlayStation 3D display on sale for $199, and being that like a true nerd I am attracted to all things new and high tech, I snapped it up. I had been drooling over this for ages and it was finally mine!

Mine! All mine! My precious! Err, sorry, I switched genres on you there.

I plug my PC into one of the HDMI ports, and it works perfectly right from the get go.

I pop in a copy of the Green Hornet (Don’t judge me!) 3D, put the glasses the screen came with over my own, and hit play.

Gorgeous! Glorious! Great! I can’t wait to load up Dragon Age. Ferelden will be saved in 3D!

It loads! It looks..... freakin 2D...

What the hell Nvidia?  I mean I know my GPU is a little out of date but I paid you 300 bucks for it not all THAT long ago.

Maybe it’s a driver issue, no those are up to date... Off to the Google cave!

It seems if I want to play a movie, Nvidia will graciously allow me to do so. Bless their tight-fisted, money-grubbing, shriveled hearts.


If I want to play a game, any game, games they brag about in their compatibility list in 3D, I need to buy another program that they will be happy to sell me so that my video card can play in a mode they brag about.

Ah, who cares?  I don’t really mind spending 10 bucks here or there. (If I did Facebook would be much poorer.)

So let’s see, Nvidia 3DTV Plat will cost me... FIFTY DOLLARS? WTH! I mean, come on, I can’t be the only one that finds that ridiculous. I wanna play a game, not buy a new one, for Pete’s sake!

All right, fine, I’ll pay it, but I won’t like it. Let me go buy your overpriced program, you greedy power hungry bast....

Oh, come on!

So, first, you want me to pay for a program that should be free, and then you aren’t even set up for me to buy it?

*Checks calendar*

Nope.  It’s not April Fool’s Day.  They just suck that much.

Maybe when I do upgrade, I’ll go with ATI.

This gets the Nerdly Seal of Suck.

*wanders off muttering*

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